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Dear colleagues, dear students,

The 16th edition of FieldLing will take place on September 2-6, 2024, at the INALCO, Paris.


FieldLing, the International School in Linguistic Fieldwork, is at present the only regular intensive training program in France preparing students to study theories and methods for language description through fieldwork.  FieldLing introduces students to the complexity of scientific and ethical issues relevant to linguistic fieldwork, and to the technological tools that facilitate it. An assiduity attestation will be delivered at the end of the school.

FieldLing is an introduction to linguistic fieldwork. It aims primarily at Master and doctoral students in General Linguistics, but may also be interesting to students in anthropology and other social sciences planning to do fieldwork. Researchers and lecturers are also welcome. Fieldling is included in the studies program of INALCO and Paris 3.

FieldLing is organised by four laboratories. Three of them are attached to Labex EFL: LLACAN (UMR 8135, INALCO, CNRS), SeDyL (UMR 8202, INALCO, CNRS, IRD), and LACITO (UMR 7107, Sorbonne Nouvelle, INALCO, CNRS). One is attached to the National Museum of Natural History: EA (UMR 7206, MNHN, University Paris City, CNRS). FieldLing reveived financial support from the Doctoral school of the INALCO (Code EC INALCO: SDLA520b), PARIS 3, the Labex EFL, the SeDyL, and the LLACAN. The preliminary schedule includes training sessions on general linguistics (e.g., morphosyntax and typology), fieldwork preparation (e.g., stimuli and recording), fieldwork itself (practice sessions with native speakers of different languages), and data structuring (e.g., how to write a dictionary or a grammar). Additional information will be uploaded in the incoming months, please connect regularly to follow our latest update.


NB : Please register at (you will need to open an account). Do not forget to upload your CV at (the link is also included in the registration form. The page mentions 'abstract', but please upload your CV there instead). Registrations without CVs will not be evaluated. The results will be sent two weeks after the closing of the upload period.

Registration : From the 31st of March to the 21st of June 2024. The results will be communicated end of June.

Finance: No registration fee. Lunch and coffee break are provided. Participants are in charge of their own travel and accomodation expenses.

Language: The languages of the summer school are English and French. Knowledge of English and French is recommended.

Supplementary materials and program of previous years:

Contact us :


2nd - 6th of September, 2024

The courses start at 09:30 AM each day.


INALCO-BULAC, 65 rue des grands moulins, 75013 Paris. The link to the campus is here.

The summer school will mostly occur in the conference rooms of the INALCO-BULAC. A map can be found here.

The classes will take place in Amphi 8 at the INALCO. For the elicitation classes (Tuesday to Thursday), we additionally reserved the rooms 4.03, 4.04, 4.05.


Katharina Haude (SeDyL)
Nicolas Quint (LLACAN)
Lameen Souag (LACITO)
Marc Tang (DDL)


Katya Aplonova (Paris), Peter Austin (London), Amel Chergui (Paris), Denis Creissels (Lyon), Bien Dobui (Amiens), Michael Dunn (Uppsala),  Sebastian Fedden (Paris), Céline Ferlita (ARDIS), Abbie Hantgan-Sonko (Paris), Katharina Haude (Paris), Aimée Lahaussois (HTL), Julie Marsault (Paris), Jean-Francois Nuñez (Paris), Nlabephee Kefas Othaniel (Paris), Nicolas Quint (Paris), Bert Remijsen (Edinburgh), Frank Seifart (Paris), Seïd Smatti (Paris), Mark van de Velde (Paris), Mary Walworth (Leipzig).

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